The Challenge
We have one client from Germany who was looking to develop an progressive web app. Client was from the Healthcare industry and running his own medical clinic. Client wanted to scale his business and this is the reason he wanted to shift online. Client wanted such an online platform which can be used by the Desktop and Mobile users both. As an admin, the client wanted to monitor all the activities related to the Bookings/Appointments, Diseases and Symptoms from the online platform. Target audience of this app were Patients and Therapists.
The Resolution
First of all, we prepared the list of features which the client wanted in the online platform and then after discussion, we signed together the scope of work. Our technical team decided to build this platform on PWA (Progressive web App). Advantage of Progressive Web App is, it can be used by the Mobile users as well as Desktop users. Internet data is less consumed in this and even if the internet is gone in between, it stores some information in cache. It’s a time and cost optimized online platform for users which provides them more leverage. Initially, we started with the wireframes and after the approval on wireframes, we started working on the UI/UX part. For the back end stuff, we created the admin panel and dashboards for the therapists and patients. Admin would be able to assign the patients to therapists, can see the number of appointments booked by Therapists, total number of the patients, therapists etc.
The Result
Client was happy with the overall results. Client appreciated the work and communication of our team. Client also gave the bonus to the team for the party and tean were existed as well to be the part of this project. Client have given the new features to implement in the project as phase 2 on which the team is working right now.